Assault cases often come down to one thing: credibility of the alleged victim. If you have been charged with an assault case, this means the victim is probably telling a completely different story to law enforcement than what actually happened. If it is a he said/she said case, how can you also have credibility if YOU are the one arrested?
If you are looking for lawyers to represent you in an assault charge, make sure you are talking with a lawyer that is asking you the right kinds of questions. Tab Lawhorn has been practicing criminal defense for almost 20 years. In that time, he has defended many clients who were wrongfully accused of assault, both misdemeanor and felony varieties.
"Just the word 'assault' sounds offensive in my mind. In my view, a good defense lawyer must work alongside the client to get to the truth about what actually happened. So many times a lawyer will look at an assault case and think about how to prove the client innocent when the law is actually the opposite. It's the State that must prove their case, and even though that is their burden always, we do our work so that the real story about the assault comes out at trial", Lawhorn says.
One of the worst aspects of getting an assault conviction, beyond the stigma, is that often times it will keep you from expunging or cleaning your criminal record later down the road. It is important to understand the far reaching consequences of pleading guilty to an assault charge.
If you are the target of an assault investigation, or if you have been arrested on a felony or misdemeanor assault charge, you can find out more about how we will defend you here. Give our firm a call at 903-999-1234 or book a virtual consultation with Tab here.